This is a 60-day Challenge and is very difficult.  If you can complete this challenge, you will be a very different man in 60 days:


40-min high intensity workout or 10,000 steps

Get out there and move.  If you have a super physical job, you may not need extra physical activity but most men could use some increased activity to maintain energy and vitality.   🔺EVERY DAY

Drink only water, one gallon (4L)

You already know why this would be good.  Hydrate and see what happens. 🔺EVERY DAY

Record Everything You Eat

Use an app like MyFitnessPal to track your foods.  You’d be amazed at how powerful it is to see the macros and calorie information of what you’re fueling yourself with.  This is why programs like WeightWatchers works so well, you are logging and monitoring your behavior.  That awareness changes you 🔺EVERY DAY

60 Words of Written Gratitude

Share a thoughtful ‘thank you’ with someone.  The power of writing it allows you to slow down and think about your words. Sixty words (the length of this blurb) is just enough to communicate something meaningful, but not so much that it is a burden.  As you do it, it will become easier and it will exercise your ability to appreciate. 🔺EVERY DAY

15 Minutes of Stillness

Take some time for meditation, prayer, journal, or reflection. 🔺EVERY DAY

No porn, video games or news.

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” (J.R.R. Tolkien). While video games aren’t necessarily bad, they can create compulsivity and negative emotional cycles. Porn and mainstream news have the same power.🔺EVERY DAY


One Hour With an Alpha Mentor

Spend one hour per week in REAL TALK conversation with men about your life. This can be therapy, a life coach, a men’s group, or lunch with a good friend that you tell on yourself to and who will shootchya straight.🔺EVERY WEEK

Focused, engaged quality time

Spend some quality time in focused, engaged, fun, non-ordinary, loving, quality time with people that matter to you.🔺EVERY WEEK

Financial review

Spend one hour per week reviewing bills, categorizing expenses, investments, planning for future financial success. Check your mail, pay your bills, talk to your accountant, forecast.🔺EVERY WEEK


all-day or multi-day adventure

Get out and live. See stuff. Do cool things outdoors.🔺EVERY MONTH

Download a Printable Guide

Use this one page tool to remember your goals for the Alpha360 Challenge. Click Here

Printable 60-Day Challenge Tracker

This is a tracking sheet that you can print and record your progress over the 60-day challenge.30 Day Record