ALPHA SHOT: One-minute Sample
This is the final episode of a 6-part series on our review of the book, “King, Warrior, Magician, Lover.” We share some highlights and personal insights about how this information is helping us be better men and what we still need to be working on.
Brad Singletary (00:00):
Welcome back to the Alpha Quorum Show. Brad Singletary here. I’m with my guests that have just spent the last couple of months with, as we’d done this series on King warrior, magician lover. It’s not so much about the book, but it’s about becoming better men and evolving into the more mature masculine side of yourself. So we just want to kind of freestyle it here, wrapping up with what you got from the book. How does supplies to you challenges that you’ve you’ve had things you’ve seen other people do, you know, most important points from the, from the book or from this whole idea of archetypes and that you can be all of those things or none of them or living in the bipolar shadow. Let’s just kind of go with it here and talk about what this has been like to read this material, to discuss it, see yourself in a new light what you think men should do. What do you see you want to be working on?
Intro (01:01):
If you’re a man that controls his own destiny, a man that is always in the pursuit of being better, you are in the right place. You are responsible, you are strong, you are a leader, you are a force for good. Gentlemen, you are the alpha, and this is the Alpha Quorum.
Jay (01:28):
I think for me reading the book, it was really kind of a new concept. I haven’t really ever dived into any of this. And so you start to read it, you start to learn about the different archetypes and you’re kind of like you’ve gone through your life and you’ve done some of these things or you felt some of these feelings and then reading the book. You’re like, Oh yeah, that’s what that is. Or, Oh, I screwed up there, you know, and, and also learning that, you know, these archetypes aren’t static. It’s like one in one instance you might be the lover or the King, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that, that you’re always going to be there, that you could drop down and be one of the bipolar shadows. And even between the, you know, the bipolar shadows, you might jump from one to the other. And so you have to be aware of that and constantly reevaluate yourself. And what can you do to make yourself better?
Brad Singletary (02:08):
Same for me. I mean, I’ve studied psychology for 25 years or whatever, but I never really saw myself for sure in these things like King, that wasn’t really me. I was kind of always just a quiet mellow person. Who’s just easygoing and whatever. And my, so some of you will laugh about this, but in astrology, my, my sign is I’m a Leo. What’s really crazy is that my wife and I are both, both Leos and that creates some, Ooh, that creates some fire sometimes. But anyway, when you read that description of the Leo, it’s like this powerful, like, you know, dynamic force of energy. And I’m like, dang, I don’t know that. That’s why I never believed in it much. And I’m not saying whether that’s, you know, valid or whatever at all, but just, I never saw that in myself. I could be all of these things, you know, I’m an artist in a way, but I’m also a warrior. So like it was like the Michael Jackson thing, you know, I’m a lover, not a fighter.
Brad Singletary (03:19):
So, but important point about the archetypes as if they’re true archetypes, they live in all people. They live in all men. And even, I think somewhere in the book its suggests that some of these are even present in women as well. And instead of maybe King it’s queen or whatever, but yeah, that was important for me. I realize I can be all of that. And I do have the King in me. I’m just probably spending too much time in like tyrant or weakling. It really allowed me to see another side of myself. It’s probably the most important thing I’ve read about, you know, self-awareness especially about men’s in the men’s literature. I love it so much. It’s so awesome.
Jim (04:02):
Yeah, definitely. It was an, an eye-opening experience reading this and looking back on my life and recognizing, okay, I was a tyrant there or a weakling or an addict, or but also realizing that, okay, that’s why, you know, I’ve made these advancements. That’s why I had the strength. That’s why, you know, I had the confidence, like as I had these archetypes in me, but I just didn’t know a lot of times I just didn’t recognize them, but this book definitely, definitely helped me recognize the different bipolar shadows and live into the full potential. And now, now it’s, it’s easier to recognize, like now it’s easier to be in the moment and realize, okay, I’m being an, I’m being so weak right now. Or I’m being, I’m being an addict, you know, get off your, you know, be grateful, be humble, know who to attack when to attack, you know, when to share knowledge, you know, when to show compassion, just it’s eye-opening for me. I was really thankful that you turned me on to this.
Brad Singletary (05:11):
I love it because of the visual framework, you know, the little triangles I just kind of operate that way. It just helps me see it. And the language, the little labeling that goes with it. So easy for me, it’s so easy for me to get this now because there’s what a dozen words, a dozen little labels that go along with it or whatever, the visual of the triangle, the bipolar shadows at the bottom, living in the, in the fullness at the top of the pyramid. So cool.
Clint (05:38):
And I think for me, it just kind of building off where you guys are all saying, it’s just a sense of awareness, you know, looking at your past life or how it shows up in this present moment. You know, I’ve been going through my own kind of adversity of the past few months and it, this book couldn’t have came at a better time for me to reflect on myself and see where I’m at and do I need to go find more of my tribe to either build me up or give me that self, that good criticism to challenge me where I’m at and where I need to go.
Jay (06:10):
Isn’t that awesome. Like in this moment of your life, you were given exactly what you needed. I love that. So cool. I love it.
Brad Singletary (06:20):
Yeah. There was, you know, in the Facebook group and in different places, people kind of picked on the name about the alpha quorum and whatever, and Oh, are you trying to be, or what is an alpha and what does, what does that mean? And there’s so much baggage with that term. And I almost, you know, in some ways I don’t like it, but if you ask me what is an alpha, he’s a King, he’s a Warrior, he’s a Magician and he’s a Lover. And we’ve identified a few people from in real life, you know, from politicians to you know, just, I don’t know, coaches or different people that really exist out there, even fictional characters that kind of display some of that.
Brad Singletary (06:59):
I really see myself in a new light. I see potential in myself that I never really knew, but just reading that this exists, if it’s there, it’s in the collective unconscious, and it’s been a part of, you know, human life from the beginning, I believe it, I believe it. And it makes me want to just keep digging. I think I’m a better man over the last while. I think I started really getting into this in January, but I believe that I’m a better man now than I ever have been in my life. And I have to say, it’s because of these conversations with all of you, it’s from this book, these concepts, you know, and I still slip, I still fall back into it. I’ll go into the immature. I’m, I’m down at the bottom of the bottom and I’m just being a brat. I’m just being the spoiled, you know, high chair tyrant. And I’m all, you know, stomping my feet and like whining and complaining, like like my four year old might do. And I see it and I hear it and I go, Ooh, I don’t want to be that guy.
Jay (08:00):
As I was reading it, it’s like, you’ve had these experiences and you felt this way. And sometimes you like, does anybody else feel that way? Or has anybody else ever experienced that? And it’s like, it gave it a title. It gave it a name, but it made it real. And it, I’m not alone. Even if you’re in that immature stage, that there is a pathway to get to that that archetype.
Brad Singletary (08:24):
Yeah. There’s, there are things you can do to develop it, but if you have a vision of what that is. And in fact, in some of the suggestions at the end of the book, kind of the psychological interventions or whatever, some of it has to do with envisioning yourself as a King, you know, what does, what does a lover, like? We talked about some examples of that, you know, where’s your inner Bob Ross or your inner Jack Black, the dude from Titanic, whoever the legendary coaches, the magicians, you know, and this is Gandalf, this is Obi wan. Do we have Obi wan Kenobi in all of us? Yes. If we believe it and we start to pursue that and realize that this is something I can make grow in myself. And I just, I bought this book for my 15 and 17 year old boys. And I said, if you read this book and you can explain it to me, I’ll give you a hundred bucks. And actually I gave him two books. But one of them started reading one. I’m not sure what the other one’s at, but it’s so important. I love it so much.
Jim (09:28):
It’s a life lesson. It’s an important life lesson. And you know, I’m 46 and I’m just learning, you know, and you’re turning your kids onto it at 15 and 17. And that’s awesome. My dad did stuff like that. When I was young, there was a very goal oriented, Anthony Robbins, and I would go stay with him in the summer and he would make me some do his CDs. I would have to write out goals and future dreams. And I hated it. I was pissed. I’m like it’s summer break. And I just want to relax and doing homework on goals about my future Deepak Chopra or whatever. The lesson that the lesson that came from that was lifelong, writing things out, manifesting.
Clint (10:18):
I just think this is just one of those good starting books to kind of assess where you’re at within your own reality. If you’re new to self exploration or wanting to cultivate deeper life experience, I think this is one of those books that men can definitely easily gravitate to easily digest and take a moment to see, do I want to grow or do I need to get my tribe like, it’s a pretty profound book. Like we’re all saying, it’s just, it’s really a cruised all of our awareness. And it’s been an awesome conversation between all you guys.
Jim (10:53):
Yeah. I wouldn’t, I would absolutely agree with that as tough too, because I got to imagine that there’s some men out there who just don’t have right now the desire or the room to grow, but for those who, who want to take the time and ingest some of this, cause it will be extremely beneficial.
Jay (11:13):
And I think it, it also, it gives those individuals that don’t know how to grow. It kind of gives them a roadmap or it gives them at least some hope to start the start. Yeah, sure.
Brad Singletary (11:27):
I think I listened to the audio book. It’s free on YouTube. That’s how I I’ve read it and listened to it, read it, underlined it and listened to the audio a couple of times and in this series of podcast episodes, you, this is three, four hours of stuff. You could have read the whole book, but I really appreciate how we made it real. We added some kind of this was probably written in, I don’t know, early nineties, late eighties or something. And some of the examples are old or there’s these historical figures that no one knows about Angus con or whatever. So we’re bringing in, you know, some things from like pop culture and movies hope you find it valuable you guys. So last thing, and when we will wrap this up, what do you want, what do you want to do now, if you don’t mind just sharing, what is your weakest area or the thing that you need to be, maybe we’ll do strongest and weakest, the archetype that is strongest in you, your most natural gift and the one that you need to go kind of explore more work at.
Clint (12:30):
My strength would probably be the magician. I think that one spoke to me the most, you know, being a therapist and kind of holding that wisdom and being able to provide it for so many others really kind of resonated with me the most. And I just love that passion of helping people. So that one really connected with me and as for the weak is, would maybe be as of late, would be the warrior just got out of grad school, I’m trying to build a business and everything. And it’s, it’s, you know, I have my moments of doubt or that, you know, can I get through it, but just recognizing not using like, just take a moment and keep fighting, keep fighting for your beliefs.
Brad Singletary (13:09):
How about you, Jay?
Jay (13:10):
I wouldn’t say that one of my strengths would be warrior my background in law enforcement and stuff that’s kind of the mindset that we have to have, but I’d also say that I’m pretty good at being a lover, but in the same aspect, that’s probably a weakness that I see myself falling into some of the bipolar shadows a lot. And so that’s one area that I would like to dive into a little bit more and become better at.
Jim (13:34):
Yeah, I definitely see what you’re talking about there kind of a couple of them there, but my strength would be, I think magician, the love of teaching and expressing and showing empathy for some of my, whatever students or coworkers. My weakness would probably be warrior sometimes. You know, you gotta know when to fight and when not to fight. And sometimes I can be a little reactive other than being patient.
Brad Singletary (14:04):
I would say for me, probably the strongest natural for me is the lover, but I definitely slipped too far into that addicted lover where man, I everything’s beautiful. I love where things feel and how they look and how they taste. But I, but I get, I go overboard with that. The pleasure becomes pain sometimes. I’ve mentioned a lot, my addictions in the past. And then my weakness would probably also be warrior. I just want to work on boundaries having a purpose and kind of working toward that, not being reactive and just being calm in the face of danger. And usually that’s for me, emotional danger and not anything physical in any way, but I want to, that means preparing my like body being better with tools, not just like weapons necessarily, but that too, just got to safe and filling it up with, with some goodies in there. And, but also to be like, my body is a weapon. My mind is a weapon. Those are the things I want to continue to kind of harness as advantageous for me to be successful. I love the whole archetype of warrior, probably my weakest. All right. Last word from each of you. What do you want to say to the guy who are trying to get to listen to this, this whole message or learn from this model? What do you want to say to men out there based on what you’ve learned from this one sentence?
Jay (15:31):
Long-Winded sometimes I don’t know if it’s one sentence or not, but guys get out of your way. Be open, read the book internalize it. Be honest with yourself.
Jim (15:41):
I think Jay nailed it. Be honest with yourself and have an open mind, open heart and be honest.
Clint (15:50):
This world we live in is incredibly painful at times. And it’s hard to look ourselves in the mirror and say, am I good enough? But you are good enough. Take the time to explore the things that you feel like you have a deficit in because you only have this life ones feel the pain seek the help you need from it, seek other like-minded men that are gonna help you grow. You deserve it.
Brad Singletary (16:15):
I think for me, the message is just that wherever you are, no matter how you’ve failed, no matter how terrible, what choices or decisions that you’ve made, how many times you’ve been abandoned or that you’ve just really flunked out at life. If you believe in yourself that there is a King in you, there’s a Warrior in you and a Magician and a Lover. You just figure out how to make friends with that side of you. You start to have conversations with the King in yourself and the Warrior, Magician, Lover, and you picture yourself as that and start doing things slowly, making changes in your life. You will grow and you’ll just find more and more happiness and things are just going to fall out of the sky. Good things are going to come to you in the form of relationships, opportunities. Clint was talking earlier about he’s had some tough things going on lately. He’s also had some pretty bad-ass things going on that he’s shared too. That’s just maybe the nature of life in which part of you, are you talking to which, which part do you see in the mirror? Because the more you kind of channel that energy in yourself, the more you attract those things, I really believe that manifesting was something Jim talked about. You guys, thank you so much, man. This has been a huge, huge investment that you’ve made in this whole thing. I’m gonna get you guys a shirt or hat or something really super cool. So if nothing else, you got some free little swag to spend 12 hours here.
Jay (17:50):
I need more than a freaking shirt.
Jim (17:56):
You got to help deal with this style.
Brad Singletary (18:00):
Thanks again, you guys. Hey, tune into us next time. In the meantime, give us a like in a review and follow us on Instagram. We have a Facebook, private Facebook group for men called the Alpha Quorum. We want you to be a part of what we’re doing here. Take care until we talk again. No excuses alpha up.
Outro (18:18):
Gentlemen, you are the alpha and the Alpha Quorum.