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DISTRACTIONS & DOUBT: A Case for Silence

Let me tell you about my day. I know that is a sentence that, coming from anyone but a girl you are actively trying to sleep with, instantly kills any desire to keep listening, but I promise that it’s relevant to your happiness, self confidence,...

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Alphas Know How to Love

Alphas Know How to Love

There are many contributors out there in the manosphere. They preach messages about six-pack abs and the ability to use a bow and arrow and they portray images of themselves in front of their Lamborghini’s and jets. That’s not necessarily our brand of masculinity.

An Alpha knows how to love.

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What’s your job right now? What business do you need to be handling? Focusing at work, playing with your kids, getting the bill payments sent out? Dude, you have to be serious and intentional with every moment of your time. Get your $#!+ done. The substance of stress is unfinished WORK.

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The 3 Options You Have When You’re Angry

The 3 Options You Have When You’re Angry

THE 3 OPTIONS YOU HAVE WHEN YOU’RE ANGRY As I have worked with people over the last 20 years in a coaching capacity, I have found that one very common issue underlies people’s pain, stagnation, worry and failures: anger. I’m not talking about the kind of anger where...

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How Not to Be a Typical Man

How Not to Be a Typical Man

ou've heard it before. The sarcastic-toned critique from someone who is sick of your $#!+. After some discovery of you failings, the trash you didn't take out, the birthday you forgot, the overspending on some self-absorbed purchase--you get what...

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