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homeless jokes
the sanctity of life
The process is the content. Deke begins by bullying Taco Mike again about his beard looking like a homeless man who hangs out by his office. Taco Mike becomes Yoda and starts dropping WISDOM. He comes uncomfortably out of the Christian closet to share his private 3-year ministry with Billy, a former Las Vegas homeless Desert Storm veteran that Mike helped get back on his feet and living with family. This humble brilliance comes between parts one and two of the interview with unmarried Vegas Mormon* millennial and rugby coach Tyler Hunt, and demonstrates the enormous range of this blossoming team of unassuming alphas. After learning what Tyler is going to name his first baby, we finish off this monumental episode with advice for how Tyler can live to be 100, not get dumped, expose himself to his friends (but not like that), and recognize the need for and grow his tribe of brothers. Mike refuses to use the V-word. Derik accentuates a curious syllable of the word “cockpit” and challenges the quorum to share something they need to be doing but aren’t and how the others can keep them accountable. It’s about to get real, homies. See if you can find the part that should’ve been edited out.