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breakfast of champions
The process IS the content. Derik reports on his courageous contact this week. Brad sends a bitchy text to the Quorum and then gets punched in the mouth with feedback about his own failures and how he needs to have better work/life boundaries. He reveals how his overcompensation with work reflects a diminished sense of self-control in other areas of his life including relationships at home. This honest self-reflection inspires a profoundly-insightful discussion about how men can regain respect from their partners. The guys all share the things they are working on their personal lives. Another enlightening episode sprinkled with trademark humor regarding lumbersexuals, stretchy pants, and how Thunt won Thanksgiving will be sure to light a fire under the onions of the self-absorbed man. The assignment for the week is to solicit some feedback and have the balls to follow through with making the changes that she most desperately needs you to make. Check out our mini-episode later this week for the predictions each of us makes about the feedback our wives are probably going to give us. *Grown up conversation with some mild grown-up language.