Alpha Quorum show
Alpha Up, Brothe process IS the content.
Taco Mike teaches how men ‘doing their part’ isn’t necessarily an aphrodisiac, but failing to do your part at home during the day can definitely kill her mood for ‘business-time’ at night.
We discuss Gary Chapman’s book, The Five Love Languages, how men aren’t mind-readers, and the importance of men having toys and the need for a masculine tribe of supportive men who challenge them to tell the truth and who tell THEM the truth. This is truly one of our best episodes yet, on all dimensions, and we speak to both men AND women about the experience of being a man.
Derik ends the show with a promise to record the next show without his shirt on if we can get 10 comments on our Facebook page about this episode. Twenty ratings and reviews on Apple Podcasts or iTunes demands Derik’s follow-through on his commitment to do the next show with no pants on!
With Derik’s signature style of humor, Brad’s clinical expertise working with men and women in a counseling setting, and Mike’s experience as a recovery coach, the Alpha Quorum comes through BIG-TIME with part two of this one-of-a-kind series about how women can best understand some of the basic needs and perspectives of men.
***This is an adult conversation most suitable for adults.
Mike recounts some special moments where he and his dirt-biking brothers brought some love and service to an orphanage on the most recent of his ‘Taco Tours’ in Baja, Mexico.
After last weeks episodes on porn, we decide to turn our discussion to reverence: the respect and awe of all valuable things. We discuss the need for a having a framework for understanding the bigger-picture of life which helps men understand themselves, other people, hardships, and the universe as a whole.
Whether you are an atheist or a faitheist, this episode will inspire you to tap into universal power and beauty, which ironically includes the need for you to ‘lay down in the dirt’ and be like David, King of Israel, who said he is “a worm, and no man.”
Talking points include Lieutenant Dan from Forrest Gump, narcissism as the enemy of spiritual growth, when you should just keep on sinning, and the need for a higher power and how to connect to it, with and without traditional religious practices.
This is part one of a two-part episode which covers Reverence, from The Red 9, the principle characteristics of masculinity as seen by the Alpha Quorum.
Segment 2 of a two-part episode about porn and compulsive sexual behavior. We answer the following questions:
When does it become “an addiction”? What is the cycle of compulsive sexuality? What keeps men stuck in it? What do they need to do to get out of it?
Taco Mike and Brad disclose their own struggles with this and other addictions and discuss ways men can get out of this cycle. We discuss steps men and young men need to take in order to avoid the pitfall of pornography, which is NOT alpha. This information is based on decades of personal recovery and professional help for men who are dealing with these issues that diminish true masculinity. Feeling disconnection leads to self-indulgence, then shame and hiding, which returns the addict back to a feeling of isolation. Jeremy describes “warrior chemistry” and how to change one’s mental state from temptation to fighting against the plague of porn and compulsive sexual behavior. Be sure to listen to Episode 036 as segment one to this epic series.
In what is sure to become our most popular episode to date, we explore the topic of pornography and answer the following questions:
What’s the big deal with porn anyway, it isn’t hurting anyone?
How serious a problem is this?
Why is porn so addictive?
Why does it hurt relationships?
What predisposes men to this problem?
We discuss the neurological and chemical reasons that pornography can be so addictive. We explore the difference between occasional perusal and addiction and the wiring in the male sexual drive that predisposes men to pornography. Up to 70% of all men (and 33% of women) have had or will have a problematic relationship with porn in their lifetime. Taco Mike describes evidences in the ruins of ancient societies about compulsive sexual pursuits. Brad and Jeremy teach about why there is no safe use of pornography and that it isn’t possible to habitually view pornography without an impact on those around us. Other topics include rape culture, visual cues of fertility and so much more. This is segment one of a two part series. Look for the next episode soon!
Disclaimer: We recognize that our views could be controversial. We are using personal experiences and the experiences of men in the recovery environment who have badly damaged their personal peace and the strength and intimacy of relationships.
Introducing a new one-minute series called #alphashots. This one is about how much your woman DOES want to have sex.
In this important episode, we discuss the ways that men struggle to control their impulses: rude comments, sexual mismanagement, anger and aggression are all explored as well as ways to take better control of urges coming from the surges of testosterone. Mike describes the differences between men and women as evidenced by their behaviors in their respective prisons, where he spends time every day for months at a time.
Derik drops knowledge: “Society really lives or dies with how men choose to use their masculine attributes.” We should be using our power to protect, not to dominate others. Masculine impulses, depending on how they are channeled, will make or break you.”
Mike teaches about ‘the moment before the moment’ where the control over these impulses can best be maintained.
Excellent episode, guys!
Taco Mike hosts his first show while Derik is at home with heart troubles. This episode is a deep-dive discussion on forgiveness. Clean-shaven Taco Mike reports on his recent trip to Spain and Italy and confesses to placing ‘Taco Tours’ stickers in front of the Colosseum and somewhere in the Vatican and explains how he is now an international fugitive. Chad catapults himself into manhood with his first home repair and visit to Home Depot.
Chad Harmon and Mike Olsen share some deeply personal stories where they’ve had to learn how to see themselves and others in a more forgiving light. We share some steps that you need to take to first acknowledge your wrongs and take a full and honest accounting for them and secondly, how to see yourself through the difficult process of forgiving yourself.
This episode is jam-packed with ideas about what you need to do if you are harboring haunting secrets or other mistakes that have produced guilt and shame within you.
You might laugh *and* cry listening to this episode! Brad, Jeremy, and Derik share the most important lessons they’ve learned from their parents. These deeply-personal experiences help you get to know these three in a new way. Jeremy illustrates the most important thing he learned by his parents’ example which he has carried into his own life. Amid his usual cheeky humor, Derik shares a divinely-profound lesson that his father taught him after a family tragedy. His story will leave you stunned with inspiration and motivation to see your problems in a healthier way. Dude. Awesome episode. Leave us a review if you agree!
Derik insults the driver of an orange Camaro while gassing up. We discuss mindful, proactive awareness vs. the reactivity and the victim stance that people often like to put themselves in. The conversation evolves into parenting and how to help children most: by letting them fail. Brad describes ‘the paradox of control’ and Jeremy teaches how we manifest our own outcomes by our thoughts and how parents are being selfish by not allowing children to learn through natural consequences.
The Alpha Quorum Show is proud to introduce a brand new series of podcasts where we interview influencers in the field of personal development. For our first interview, Derik spends some time with Rainier Wylde, host of the Lost Man Standing Podcast, and discusses how sometimes our calling in life can come from our most painful experiences. Rainier gets raw and personal about some of his greatest failures and how he was able heal himself and his relationships while sharing cigars, whiskey and honesty with his tribe.
Jeremy reviews the book “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck” and highlights the part of the book about values. Guest Chad Harmon teaches how clarity of values helps you set healthy boundaries. Chad and Jeremy describe the need to focus on values which you have 100% control over. Derik is pleased to hear Chad’s position that we aren’t quite as fat as we sound on the show.
Derik wins the weekend by going Ghandi and fasting for 74 hours (except for Coke Zero). He returns fully alive and fully crushing on Tom Brady, but willing to leave his Patriots party for this show. The guys discuss what boundaries are, how to set them, respect them, and maintain them. Resentment or other negative feelings signal the crossing of boundaries which likely still need to be identified, articulated and agreed upon. Quorum newcomer and future alpha influencer Chad joins the show to discuss the boundaries of dating in the world of social media.
Master Ninja Leavitt teaches the Quorum how to break boards with their bare hands. Working through some initial nervousness and lack of know-how, everyone succeeds in tonight’s mission: to visualize, slow it down, and not be afraid. But first, Derik ends up on the floor and almost needs to use his new Christmas present: the iPhone EKG machine. This is one you won’t want to miss!
Derik begins by busting Brad’s balls about drinking a Monster Energy drink at 8pm and we explore whether or not “taurine” is extracted from bull semen. Mike details the very positive experiences he’s had since implementating his wife’s feedback. He details his approach, how he asked, what she shared, hows he’s taken the initiative to fix his prior failures at home and how this has dramatically improved his marriage. He also describes his weekend trip to dirtbike in Mexico and how, behind his helmet, he sees more clearly what he should be more focused on: his family.
Hear the things we’ve each had to learn the hard way regarding avoidance, not using your voice, foreboding joy, committing to things you shouldn’t, and running sideways. Brad talks about passing kidney stones and what he learned from his kids’ great grandmother one day while being stuck in a room with her at Christmas. Jeremy discusses how gratitude is the antidote for foreboding joy. Derik can’t do second grade math, and Thunt teaches us to use our support, pass the ball and get up field.
Derik, Jeremy and Brad describe the old man gifts they hope to have for Christmas and Thunt shares about the chicken-head-phone-stabilizer thing he hopes Santa brings him. Another humorous look into the real-life situations of the Alpha Quorum.
Thunt makes his best contribution ever: a new name for Taco Mike. While Mike is gone riding motorcycles with the Tom Brady of dirt bikes, Thunt takes advantage of his inability to spell to give Mike a new name. We discuss what our wives told us we need to work on to make our relationships more meaningful and complete. Derik is looking for a new cardiologist and Brad teaches Thunt how not to overthink. This is one of our best ever. *Grown up language and grown up conversation.
In Episode 019, the guys planned to ask their wives and family for feedback about what they need to be doing better. This was recorded the same night, BEFORE asking for this feedback. Hear what each man predicts will be the answers to his question. Listen next week to find out what they were ACTUALLY told.
The guys share the support they’ve received from their wives about this project which takes a significant amount of prime family time on Sunday nights when we record the show.
Going back to 1984, the Quorum shares awkward and confusing songs they secretly love to sing. Jeremy defends his “dreamy” boy band and Derik overshares (like always) and takes off his pants.
The process IS the content. Derik reports on his courageous contact this week. Brad sends a bitchy text to the Quorum and then gets punched in the mouth with feedback about his own failures and how he needs to have better work/life boundaries. He reveals how his overcompensation with work reflects a diminished sense of self-control in other areas of his life including relationships at home. This honest self-reflection inspires a profoundly-insightful discussion about how men can regain respect from their partners. The guys all share the things they are working on their personal lives. Another enlightening episode sprinkled with trademark humor regarding lumbersexuals, stretchy pants, and how Thunt won Thanksgiving will be sure to light a fire under the onions of the self-absorbed man. The assignment for the week is to solicit some feedback and have the balls to follow through with making the changes that she most desperately needs you to make. Check out our mini-episode later this week for the predictions each of us makes about the feedback our wives are probably going to give us.
What is it about our modern society that is making all of us so anxious?! To those who have come before us, we are living their dream. Anything and everything that one could possibly want is right here for the taking. We are surrounded by abundance and opportunity and yet the rate of depression and anxiety it is high, and the suicide rate for men is critically high. The Quorum dives deep into their own experiences and internal struggles with depression and anxiety to discuss the effect it has had on their sense of well being as well their physical health. Old wounds are opened and Derik reveals a part of himself that even he wasn’t aware existed.
Assignments were made, appointments were made to be kept. Every end has a beginning and every beginning has an end.
This one is worth the wait.
*These are grown-up conversations with some grown-up language.
We continue the conversation with Mike Olsen as he describes the wisdom he gained through two difficult divorces. He recognized that “control is not your friend” and that trying to manipulate your environment never works out but instead leads you to becoming less and less open to what you *should be seeing and hearing. Hear how he took lessons from these marriages to become a better father, business man, and husband to the beautiful Mrs. Olsen.
BONUS EPISODE: Hear about the epic MANRICHMENT that occurred earlier this month. Mike discusses his three-wheeled wonder, the sparkly red VW hot rod trike that some are now calling Dorothy. Hear reviews from each participant as well as the general purpose of these events. The next one will be in March in celebration of Chuck Norris’ birthday. Plan on it, dudes.
The Quorum welcomes its first-ever interview! Mike Olsen,, was introduced to the podcast very early in its existence and wanted to become a part of it. This is part one of his story.
Born in a small town in eastern Utah, Mike overcame a birth defect to become a successful two-sport college athlete. Mike passes along some of the the lessons learned from his “normal” upbringing. The blessing of being born with a deformed hand and how it has landed him hard-to-get tee-times. Twice divorced, Mike reflects on difficult lessons learned from those experiences and how he has made peace with it. We loved having Mike be a part of the show and look forward to his future involvement with this movement.
New sound engineer Tyler Hunt gets the nickname of Thunt and Mike invents a new term to describe his ramblings: Flappin Off.
Men hate church because they are underwhelmed. The stench of wound masking and the surface-level emptiness of non-attachment is why they are bored and resist the traditional church experiences of our day. What do they want instead? Authenticity. Real talk. We contrast the typical suburban experience of ‘church’ with the rawness and unconcealing that happens in addiction recovery groups like 12-step programs along the lines of Alcoholics Anonymous.
But it aint the church’s fault. YOU are the church. Open up, bro. Tell your story. Tell your truth. Be authentic, yourselves. Find the person that needs your welcoming generosity. Be the one who shakes up the staleness with your radical love and acceptance of (yourself first, and then) the people who are secretly there seeking the same kind of depth and connection.
In this episode, we explore an example of the perfect masculine (and it’s not Rambo). Regardless of your beliefs about the historical Jesus of Nazareth, His story stands alone as an example of pure masculinity. Charity, humility, tough love, defending the weak, reproving the corrupt, and teaching by example are all contained in this ideal archetype of manhood. Whether you’re an atheist and see Him as a fictional character or a faitheist believer, look to His story for the most complete portrayal of what it means to be man.
The guys discuss why 95% of sexless marriages are decided by men and how they can take better care of their woman and inspire more sexual desire.
Jeremy reports on the weekend drive to Mexico which included witnessing a cartel crime scene and something about 70 tacos. Check in with Taco Mike who camped with his family on the beach in Cali, and Brad obsessed over whether or not he should attempt a first-ever brake job on his daily driver ’09 Silverado.
Serious talk begins at 6:46 where Brad, Jeremy, and Mike share their thoughts on what goes wrong in relationships and how men need to step up, slow down, and be in the present in order to have a better relationship. Don’t get “tipped over…” every time she gives you a look. Be unf*ckwithable.
The process is the content.
Deke begins by bullying Taco Mike again about his beard looking like a homeless man who hangs out by his office. Taco Mike becomes Yoda and starts dropping WISDOM.
He comes uncomfortably out of the Christian closet to share his private 3-year ministry with Billy, a former Las Vegas homeless Desert Storm veteran that Mike helped get back on his feet and living with family.
This humble brilliance comes between parts one and two of the interview with unmarried Vegas Mormon* millennial and rugby coach Tyler Hunt, and demonstrates the enormous range of this blossoming team of unassuming alphas. After learning what Tyler is going to name his first baby, we finish off this monumental episode with advice for how Tyler can live to be 100, not get dumped, expose himself to his friends (but not like that), and recognize the need for and grow his tribe of brothers.
Mike refuses to use the V-word. Derik accentuates a curious syllable of the word “cockpit” and challenges the quorum to share something they need to be doing but aren’t and how the others can keep them accountable. It’s about to get real, hommes.
See if you can find the part that should’ve been edited out.
Check out this short segment where the guys talk about their favorite man movies!! There’s some good stuff in here and you can get a better understanding of each by learning about their movies. Listen now to find out which one said said “50 First Dates!!”
Part One of Two. Derik, Mike and Brad talk with guest Tyler Hunt (a Las Vegas rugby coach bachelor) who shares how he feels his life as a millennial compares to that of the older hosts, as well as what keeps him up at night and the hilarious reason he likes to hover above 250+ on the ole scale. Stay tuned for part two later this week!
Derik, Brad, Mike, and Jeremy talk about the #MeToo movement and now the #HimToo absurdity, as well as how to protect your sons in this day and age, all about sexual consent, why your wife isn’t having sex with you. Oh, and Jim Bob Duggar.
Meet the Quorum: Tacos, Motorbikes and Mexico
Host Derik Johnson explores the importance of being aware that your legacy will matter to those around you. He shares how a recent loss has him reflecting on the value of remembering who is watching and listening to you. Short episode. You’re welcome.
Meet the host and co-founder of Alpha Quorum, Derik Johnson as interviewed by co-founder Brad Singletary who explores Derik’s background and the reason for his interest in this movement. We explore topics such as vulnerability, leadership, and the role of women in this changing world of ours. Oh, and sex robots.
“Brian” – Hear the story of a man who went from being unemployed and living like a hoarder to an IT professional who became a leader of himself, his family, and his home.
More about what men need to lead fulfilling lives.
We live in a time where traditional masculinity is under assault. What was once considered normal and honorable is being called toxic. Our young boys are treated as predators in waiting. Is it any wonder that there is a crisis of masculinity in western civilization?!